Tansley Village

Summer Fete

The fete will not be held in 2011 as no organisers have come forward

If you wish to help in the future please contact the retiring organisers Sarah Gordon or Jane Andrews.

An alternative Summer Fair is being held at the primary school on 18th June

Saturday 19th June 2010

After a cool, windy start, the sun came out for the many people who came to and enjoyed the fete. Matlock Mayor, Steve Flitter, was a welcome guest and presented the winners of the Scarecrow Competition with their awards. Musical entertainment was provided by Baktrax, Killing Jupiter and Dale Diva. There were lots of activities for children including a giant slide, bouncy castle, football game and face painting. People had goes in the stocks and at the coconut shy and could enjoy curry, beer, jacket potatoes, teas, cream scones and ice-cream. Local groups were busy running fundraising stalls selling cakes, jewellery, books and bric a brac. Our local PC, Jon Bewley, manned an Oz Box stand complete with punch bags, aimed at encouraging exercise and fitness for young people. Tansley Village Hall sold slates for its Restoration Project and publicised its plans and fundraising schemes.

Thanks go to Jane Andrews and Sarah Gordon for organising a great Summer Fete again and to everyone else who helped to make it happen.

[Thanks to Geoff Crapper for the photo]

Here are more photos.

[By Chris Knightley]


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